DIY Bathroom Cleaning Hacks

April 21, 2021

Admit it: cleaning the bathroom ranks particularly high—if not the highest—on the list of boring household chores. It also doesn’t help that it needs to be done at least once or twice a week, but as responsible homeowners, we are left with no choice but to accomplish the dreadful task. Otherwise, the bacteria will only multiply and eventually pose health risks to our family. Of course, we wouldn’t want that to happen!

Well, it’s a great thing that you’re on this site because you’re in for a treat! For this month’s blog, we’ll be sharing some DIY Bathroom Cleaning Hacks to help you get through the dreary task of tidying your bathroom!


If you’re a fan of hot showers, then you likely suffer the endless cycle of having your mirrors fog up due to the steam. Unfortunately, the only solution you can think of is either open the bathroom door or go for a cold shower instead. The former undoubtedly feels uncomfortable but then again, what more are cold showers?

Move way for shaving foam to save the day! Just spray it on, wipe it off, and instantly see the magic for yourself.

Why does this work, you ask? The steam from hot showers condenses into tiny droplets on your mirror, producing a warped image. However, the detergents in shaving foam decrease the water’s surface tension, causing steam to condense into a huge flat layer that doesn’t distort your reflection.

PRO TIP: Instead of using rags or toilet paper to wipe your mirror or any glass surface, use a newspaper to achieve satisfactory results without the hassle of leaving behind any smudge or fibres.


Instead of throwing away your old toothbrush, save it for scrubbing your grout! Using a sponge to clean the grout would either be tedious or ineffective. Thus, the task would require something like a toothbrush that actually reaches the in-between of your tiles.

As for the solution, mix one-part distilled white vinegar with at least two parts of water. Make sure to dilute the vinegar first because otherwise, it may damage the grout’s structural integrity. This multipurpose solution can also be sprayed onto other surfaces that need cleaning, such as your sink, tub, and bathroom walls.

Besides vinegar, you can also combine hydrogen peroxide with baking soda as an effective paste for grime removal.

PRO TIP: While modifying a power drill with a brush would help you clean more efficiently, this comes with the risk of scratching the tile and weakening the grout due to the high-power speed. With that said, it would be better and safer to opt for an old toothbrush instead.


Calling a plumber would set you back around $80 to $135 to clear your drain, but what if we told you that you could DIY by just using items that are already available in your kitchen?

In addition to cleaning your grout, baking soda and vinegar also work wonders in unclogging the sink. Simply pour a cup of baking soda, then add some vinegar. While letting the solution sit, boil 3-5 cups of water, then pour it down the drain. It may not eliminate the gunk in just one try, so it’s helpful to repeat the steps a few more times until the sink is totally clear.

Though it may be a tedious process, it’s better than having to cash out over a hundred bucks.

PRO TIP: As the motto goes, prevention truly is better than cure. To avoid clogging, refrain from throwing hair (or anything else, for that matter) into your bathroom sink, and pour boiled water every night to prevent soap/toothpaste/shaving foam gunk from building up.


Over time, the lime build-up can cause your showerhead to lose its lustre. Look no further than your kitchen (yet again), though! To bring back its original gleam, you’d only need to fill a plastic bag with vinegar, making sure not to overfill it to avoid overflowing. Place the showerhead in the bag (or put the bag over the showerhead, if it isn’t removable), then fasten it with ties. Let it soak for a few hours or overnight if necessary. Lastly, take it out, remove any residue with an old toothbrush, then rinse.

PRO TIP: If your showerhead is coated with brass, gold, or nickel, make sure to not leave it in for more than 30 minutes to avoid any potential damage to the finish.


Want to keep the bathroom smelling fresh all day without using commercial air fresheners? DIY toilet bombs might just do the trick!

To make these toilet bombs, you’ll be needing baking soda to absorb the foul smell, citric acid (you can use lemon juice as a substitute) for its antimicrobial properties, water, and of course, the fragrance itself—essential oils. First, pour a cup of baking soda into a bowl, followed by citric acid, then water. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil. The overall mixture should be clumpy, which you can then put into a silicone mould if you’d like to have them in a specific shape.

Voila! Just throw one in the toilet, and you’d be left with a clean, aromatic bathroom.

PRO TIP: A similar (and easier) hack that’s circulating on the internet is pouring fabric conditioner into the toilet tank. The logic is that every time you flush, it releases its fragrant smell. However, experts have weighed in on this, saying that fabric conditioner leaves a sticky film that may cause build-up in the drainage. Moreover, it isn’t eco-friendly either, as this would mean directly flushing chemicals onto our waterways.


If you thought that we’re done using baking soda, you’re wrong. For this next hack, eliminate your plastic trash bin’s nasty odours just by sprinkling some baking soda before putting in a new plastic bag. As we have mentioned earlier, baking soda helps absorb the smell, eventually deodorising it.PRO TIP: The decomposition of items in the trash results in its putrid odour. Thus, make sure to clean the bin with soap and water every once in a while as it can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
